Abstract Submission

Submission Guidelines

Free Paper & Physical Poster

  1. Each member can submit a total of 2 abstracts (as presenting author)
  2. A free paper can have one presenting author and 4 co-authors. (4 authors in total)
  3. Abstracts are to be submitted online only. No abstracts shall be accepted as a email, Fax, Hard copies etc.
  4. All abstracts undergo an evaluation process.
  5. No change in presenting author is allowed after submission.
  6. Institution / hospital affiliation and doctor’s name in the title or abstract should not be mentioned and will lead to automatic rejection.
  7. Single case report will not be considered for Free paper.

Free papers are accepted in any of the following specialties

  1. Cataract
  2. Community / Social Ophthalmology
  3. Comprehensive Ophthalmology
  4. Cornea & External Eye Disease
  5. Diabetic Retinopathy and Medical Retina
  6. Glaucoma
  7. Lacrimal
  8. Neuro Ophthalmology
  9. Ocular Pathology , Ocular Oncology and Tumours
  10. Optics / Refraction / Contact Lens
  11. Orbit & Oculoplasty
  12. Pediatric Ophthalmology
  13. Refractive Surgery
  14. Squint
  15. Trauma
  16. Uvea
  17. Vitreo Retinal Diseases
  18. Research
  19. Optometry

( One or more specialities may be combined depending on the number of submissions in the speciality. )

Abstract Structure

Abstract Title
The title of the abstract SHOULD NOT exceed 25 words.
Abstract body
The abstract body SHOULD NOT exceed 250 words. It must have following

    1. Purpose
    2. Methods
    3. Results
    4. Conclusion

Presenting Author
It is the duty of the chief author to get consent from the presenting author before adding his/her name. 
Add co-authors
A maximum of four co-authors can be added.
Awards & Certificates

  1. The best paper of each specialities will be recognised by the DOS Scientific Committee and a “Best Paper” certificate in that specialty shall be issued.
  2. For FP in research & optometry no specialty wise certificate will be issued. There will be only one “Best paper” certificate.
  3. Any registered presenting author is eligible for Best paper certificate
  4. For ratified Delhi DOS members, separate Best Paper certificate will be provided.
  5. The participation certificate, & the best paper certificates will be felicitated during the GBM of conference.
  6. Winner of Best Free Paper in the Free paper session for Dr. A.C. Agarwal Trophy (for Delhi Members only) will be awarded the trophy and Certificate of Merit and eligible for entry to AIOC-2026 and travel grant to attend the same provided he/she is willing to present the paper in AIOC-2026.
  7. Winner of Best Free Paper in the Free Paper Session for Dr. T.P. Agarwal Trophy Cornea Session (Delhi Member only) will be awarded the trophy and Certificate of Merit
  8. Winner of Best Free Paper in the Free Paper Session for Dr. Arjun Narang Award (Delhi Member only) for a young ophthalmologist less than >40 yrs for best Presentation will be awarded the Trophy and Certificate of Merit

Declaration to be provided

The following points has to be declared while submitting the abstract

  1. The submission has been approved by co-authors
  2. Data is original & there are no plagiarism
  3. In case research involves human subjects if Ethics committee approval has been obtained with reference number.
  4. Consent has been obtained from the patients during research

Important Notes

  1. The submitted paper should NOT have been published in indexed journal OR submitted for publication in indexed journal.
  2. If ambiguity found anytime, this would amount to plagiarism and the presenter and all the co- authors will be debarred from submitting for AIOC for next 2 years.
  3. If for any unavoidable reason, the presenting author wants to withdraw the paper, he/she can withdraw from his/her topic on the following condition(s) :
    – Inform the scientific committee at least 45 days before the scheduled presentation
    – Absence from the session without the prior information shall lead to debarring as a speaker for DOS for next 2 years.

Financial disclosure
It is mandatory to add financial disclosure of the presenting author and all co-authors in the abstract as well as the second slide after the title in the presentation.

Video & Photography
Video abstracts are accepted in any of the following specialties

  1. Anterior Segment
  2. Posterior Segment


  1. Maximum 2 entries per participant
  2. Image format:
    • Only digital
    • JPEG format, landscape/portrait mode
    • Minimum resolution 1920×1020 pixels
    • Maximum size 4 MB
    • Image should be free of any copyrights
    • Each image should be accompanied with a short title (word file) describing the image briefly (not exceeding 100 words)